Brush-Like Editing Tools
Sculpt details in your normal map using tools like tilt, flatten, and emphasize.
Sculpt details in your normal map using tools like tilt, flatten, and emphasize.
Create a basic normal map in one click using the Chamfer Operation.
View updates to 3D effects as you edit your normal map.
Paranormal is currently only available for OSX
Follow along as we show you how to make your first normal map for a purple amoeba. See how easy it is to give your sprites flare in just a few quick operations.
We'll show you how to user our automatic generation tools efficiently, and create the perfect normal map in just a few minutes. This tutorial walks you through the process of creating a normal map for a spaceship. Paranormal's detailed editing tools will give your main character sprite finesse.
This tutorial takes you through editing an already existing normal map of a cave wall. It is easy to modify already existing normal map without losing the existing details..